This week we're extending our nature study to include fairy folklore. I thought it would be a fun way to add some make-it-ourselves projects & interesting reading. Our local library had lots of great books to help with this. I don't mind admitting, I'm so loving this. Having two boys means we don't have much in the way of toy fairies, princesses or any of the usual "girl themed" stuff I loved growing up, so this is a fun way to explore it minus the glitter and pink, which I don't particularly miss. It's also been interesting finding out that the concept of fairies is a global phenomenon - almost all cultures have a fairy legend.
Today we read Thumbelina, played a fun board game called Fairy Finds and watched a great little video called Kristen's Fairy House which gets into the concept of making fairy houses in the woods. We went out and found things to make our own fairy house inside using a shoe box. Above is what we've got so far. As more leaves & things fall outside, we'll detail it out more and I hope to get E interested in setting one up outside under the pine trees when it's dryer out there. Working on this stuff has given me some more project ideas & themes...oh the possibilities....;)
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