Yesterday we took the boys, my sister & her boyfriend to go pick apples at a local orchard. It was the first time taking our little guys and probably the first time in over a decade I had picked apples. The way long lines and the bees posed issues in our first 20 minutes there, but once we hopped on the wagon and got out into the orchard it was great. Both boys got really into looking for low hanging apples and doing the picking themselves. Of course, Declan enjoyed finding the grossest, rotten-est apples to pick up off the ground too.
I'm so glad we made a point to do this - it was always one of my favorite things to do in the Fall when I was a kid. There is something so much better about picking them yourself - they taste even better since they're so fresh. We split a bushel (100 apples) and will have to try out a bunch of creative apple-centered recipes. This week's topic for homeschool is Fall foods (apples & corn), so this was a great way to get things started.
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